21–27 May Masters and Teacher Education

Sofia Runarsdotter

Sweden, b. 1982
Exhibition: 21-27 May

Girl, Unboxed

In this long-term photographic project, I (re)approach my own past experiences of being a handball athlete and devoting myself to the sport at a crucial transitional stage between child and adulthood.

The title Girl Unboxed refers to this revisitation today as an artist. What would be made of the silent violence in a common sport, which is generally recognised as friendly and timid? The physical and psychological pressure was anything but negligible. As my participation coincided with my being in a precarious transitional state between child and adulthood, the impact was all the greater. As an artist today, I visualise situations and moments which ideally convey the stakes.

Overview of MFA exhibition ’Girl,Unboxed’ curated by Ashik Zaman. Photography with pine tree frames.

Overview of installation of MFA exhibition ’Girl,Unboxed’ curated by Ashik Zaman. Video loop on plyo boxes. Background ball bars from my childhood home with a plexiglass box on top.

”Girl with the missile ball” Analogue photography, 70 x 90 cm.

*Spider” Analogue photography, 80 x 100 cm

”The great hereafter” Analogue Photography, 80 x 100 cm.

”Whispers” 02.14 min video loop in cooperation with director and film producer Linus Andersson