Natural Grace is an interpretation of the classic rocking chair, which allows the use of wood and leather that is considered to be in the category of the lowest classification. Natural Grace exposes the problems surrounding norms and requirements we place on natural materials and production in Sweden. Each manufactured rocking chair has its unique expression and personal history that is traceable all the way back to the land.
The Swedish forest and the modern forestry are today mostly built on plantations where the trees are planted in straight rows with a monoculture of only the same type of tree species. Monocultures created by plantations do not provide room for biodiversity and threaten red-listed species. Therefore Natural Grace only consists of birch that has been felled according to Plockhugget’s principles, where every felled tree is carefully selected. These non-deforestation methods contribute to forests with varied vegetation as well as trees of different ages.
Natural Grace preserves biodiversity, local- and small-scale production at all levels.