In my artistic practice, I work with identity as a form of therapy. Unidentifiable and queer identities interest me and I examine how these identities are made socially contingent through aesthetics, materiality and narrative structures. I take my starting point in my own biography and allow the relationships, structures and systems I encounter to move between the private and the public in my art.
Through different mediums, such as painting, film, installation and sculpture, I look for loopholes to circumvent the heterosexual and white logic that dominates society. In my work, I place great emphasis on material choice and tonality. I take objects, scenes, folklore and documents suffused with their own histories from my surroundings and let my additions form yet another layer. The conceptual and the intuitive are included here as two elements that complement and inform one another.
Distributing a story over several layers enables my works to create their own language with the observer and thereby overrule judgements.