I have all these memories that I romanticise. There is an illness that I portray in bold beautiful colours instead of black and blood-red.
Nostalgia has for a long time fascinated me. It is a recurrent, strong and melancholic feeling which interests me. How does it work and what does it do to me? Above all, why do I become nostalgic over the most problematic periods in my life that I romanticise and have such a hard time parting from? I want to use writing, poetry and creation as a means to tell my version of the truth. Is there any point in understanding life as it really was or does the fantasy become the reality in the hands of nostalgia? My degree project gives me the opportunity to examine what I remember but also where I am today, to explore the space between now and then. Nostalgia distorts the memory, beautifies and hides the negative. Escapism. The identity crisis of yesterday transforms into the nostalgia of today.