7–13 May Bachelors

Philip Ståhlbrand

Sweden, b. 1997
Exhibition: 7–13 May


The most popular speaker types in a home are soundbars and smart speakers. These types of speakers are more compact than traditional sound systems, something that often compromises sound quality. For a person who is unfamiliar with Hi-Fi and who wants a more complex sound experience, it can seem like a big step to go from a compact and sleek soundbar or smart speaker to a genuine 2.0+ Hi-Fi system. This is because Hi-Fi systems can be associated with lots of cables, taking up a lot of space, or being old-fashioned.

My degree project, Soundscape focuses on how to enhance the speaker experience by studying the tactile experience, by using semiotics to find design languages that dare to stand out, and by exploring how the body can be activated to interact with the bookshelf speaker. Developing a speaker experience is not only about sound quality, but also encompasses appearance, haptics and interaction. The aim is to find a new type of speaker experience that can be an alternative for people who aren’t familiar with Hi-Fi but who still want to attain a more complex sound experience.